By Ross Cameron
December 18, 2009 — 12.00am, The Sydney Morning Herald
Jesus is easily the most influential person in history, and the most universally loved. Ahmadinejad, Bin Laden, Bush, Cheney, Churchill, the Dalai Lama, Gandhi, Hitler, Falwell, Lennon, Mother Teresa, Mandela, Netanyahu and Obama are all on the record as admirers. Of his early life, the record is almost blank; we are left with a few fragments. He was born in a nondescript Judean village, on the fringes of the Roman Empire in about AD1. He was a Jew. His father quickly disappears from the main plot but his mother makes cameo appearances. He never married but the depth of his insight into human relationships suggests a man of this world rather than a cave dwelling mystic. He was deeply literate in Jewish scriptures but silent on writings outside that tradition. We may assume he lived his entire life within 160 kilometres of his birthplace - he never describes a foreign custom or place. After a major spiritual moment under the influence of John, he launched into local prominence as an itinerant preacher at age 30. Tradition holds that Jesus was a public figure for three years but modern scholars strongly believe a single year is more likely. While other preachers and prophets, like John, attracted a following over time, the Jesus movement was instant, fuelled by a mix of charisma, messianic hope and a new message of truth, love and forgiveness. He moved into the countryside to escape conflict with the religious authorities and to better accommodate the crowds that grew with his celebrity.
Riding a wave of fame and popularity, Jesus moved the road show to the heavily garrisoned provincial and religious capital of Jerusalem, entering the city in the lead-up to the most holy day of the Jewish year. The Roman authorities are not known for their tolerance of burgeoning mass movements. Jesus fairly quickly found his way to the agony and humiliation of public torture and execution by order of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate - famous for casual brutality. It was a routine event in a typical day in a Roman occupied city. History's great riddle followed. His supporters immediately claimed Jesus rose from the dead. The four biographies of Jesus often contradict each other on minor details but nowhere so much as in the resurrection narratives. The difficulty with dismissing the claim altogether, however, is how otherwise to explain the instant, unprecedented explosion of the Jesus movement across the Mediterranean. The willingness of so many sane first-century beings - many of them witnesses - to suffer death rather than deny the central tenet of their faith, is also cause for reflection. There are at least 10 non-miraculous theories, of varied plausibility, attempting to explain the resurrection. For example, Jesus may have "swooned" on the cross and been taken down early before momentarily regaining consciousness, uttering his last words, "take my message to the world", and expiring. The usually reliable Jewish historian Josephus witnessed the survival of one among three of his own crucified friends - taken down from their crosses at his request by a Roman general. Whatever happened, something did, and the mystery surrounding its founder's death threw kero on the flickering wick of the fledgling movement. Roman historical sources confirm that within 30 years, there was a thriving Christian presence in Rome and in most Mediterranean cities. By the mid-50s AD, St Paul is expressing a desire to visit the Christians in distant Spain. Despite Christian pacifism, the Romans rightly perceived a threat. For three centuries, the persecutions continued, including the spectacle of hundreds torn apart by wild beasts in a stadium artfully designed for the purpose and for the pleasure of cheering Roman spectators. Before the slaughter began, each Christian was invited to recant and survive by admitting "Caesar is god". Few accepted the deal and the purity of their devotion, and the invention of charity in AD200, drew wide admiration. In AD313, in a key historical pivot, Constantine the Great succumbed to the charm of the Gallilean and announced his own conversion. Within a century, a majority of Romans were Christian. By AD1000, Europe was Christian. By AD2000, five out of six inhabited continents are majority-Christian. The passing of 2000 years from Jesus' death in 2033 will be the biggest anniversary of the 21st century. We are left to ponder how one year in the life of a seeming nobody could transform the Roman Empire and the entire planet. The reason for the triumph of this nobody is to be found in his first recorded words. "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." Jesus is specially kind to the weak and the outcast - to women, the poor, children, a madman in chains and a hated tax collector.
Jesus establishes the sublime idea that everyone matters. That thought has transformed our sense of what it means to be human.
In the pre-Jesus record, in virtually every human society, vast faceless classes of people were less valued than domestic animals. The world's second-greatest philosopher, Aristotle, while writing the 101 course of every academic discipline, fervently endorsed the keeping of slaves as natural and desirable to good order. Slavery continued for centuries after Jesus but the impulse to end it was Christian. Beyond the Jewish scriptures, to which Jesus gave a megaphone, no one cared about those on the margins. Jesus establishes the sublime idea that everyone matters. Today that single thought has transformed our sense of what it means to be human. Major political parties of the earth, whether left, centrist or right wing (with the possible exception of the Greens) agree the welfare of the whole human race is our common goal. "Blessed are the meek" evolved into "All men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". From whatever perspective we come, thinking people ought to be able to agree, the birth of Jesus was a good day for mankind. I suspect I may never quite shake the childlike hunch that there is some uniquely divine imprint on the central individual of the human story. Happy Birthday, Jesus.
Ross Cameron is the former federal member for Parramatta.